What is the magnetic field around an electrified straight wire?

What is the magnetic field around an electrified straight wire?

According to the right-hand spiral rule, the thumb points to the direction of wire current, and the curved four fingers point to the direction of magnetic induction line

A straight wire with a current of 2a and a length of 0.5m is placed in a uniform magnetic field. When the wire is perpendicular to the magnetic induction line, the ampere force on the wire is measured to be 10N. To find: (1) the magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic field; (2) when the wire is parallel to the magnetic induction line, what is the ampere force on the wire?

(1) The magnetic induction intensity is: B = fil = 100.5 × 2 = 10t, (2) if the direction of the magnetic field is parallel to the direction of the wire, the ampere force is: F = 0. Answer: (1) the magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic field is 10t; (2) when the wire is parallel to the magnetic induction line, the ampere force on the wire is 0

When the conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the magnetic field force on the conductor is 20n, then the magnitude of the uniform magnetic field strength B is? If the current in the conductor is reduced to 2a, then the ampere force on the conductor is?

Because f = bilcos θ, θ = 90 degree
So cos θ = 1, B = f / (IL)
So B = 10 t
When I2 = 2A
F=10 N

In the uniform magnetic field, the electrified wire with length of L = 0.10m is perpendicular to the magnetic field direction, the current in the wire is I = 2.0A, and the magnetic force is f = 1.2 times 10 minus 3 power
In a uniform magnetic field, an electrified wire with length of L = 0.10m is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, the current I in the wire is 2.0A, and the magnetic force F is 1.2 times 10-3n

F=IBL B=F/IL=6.0X10^-3T
The magnetic induction intensity B is 6.0 × 10 ^ - 3T

With 60 trillion free electrons per minute passing through a wire with a cross-sectional area of 0.64 times 10 to the minus sixth square meter, the current in the circuit will be reduced
How much is it?
What's wrong with 8 times of 600000 &; 10 and negative 19 times of 60 &; 1.6 &; 10 and negative 6 times of 0.64 &; 10 = 0.25

What is the current in the circuit generally refers to what is the current intensity in the circuit
Current intensity:
=1.6 * 10 ^ - 7 amp
Current density:
=0.25 A / m2

There is an east-west wire at the equator of the earth. If there is an electric current from east to West in the wire, the conductor will go east_____ Sports?
At the equator of the earth, there is a wire perpendicular to the ground. If the current flows from the bottom to the top, the conductor will be broken--____ Sports
The answer is (below), (East) please explain why

This is a physics problem without illness. It seems very mysterious. In fact, it misleads students and makes them have no overall and comprehensive thinking. Since the beginning of the 17th century, the research method of world science has changed from the research method based on reasoning and deduction to the research method based on observation and experiment, It has led to many ridiculous mistakes, such as: the earth is the center of the universe, women are made from a man's rib, life is created by God, the universe is full of a kind of material called "Ether", etc.; later, through the observation of the celestial bodies that can be observed at that time and the calculation of their motion trajectory, The discovery that the earth is not the center of the universe at all, the discovery that the number of ribs of men and women is the same through human anatomy, the discovery of paleontological fossils and the determination of demonstration age, the discovery that life existed long before God, and so on. Observation and experiment have greatly promoted the development of science
As far as this physics problem is concerned, the wire will not move at all! Why? Because this is an impossible experiment. The condition for an electrified conductor to move under force in a magnetic field is that one part of the closed circuit is in the magnetic field. If the earth's magnetic field is used as a source of magnetic field, how to realize that one part of the closed circuit is in the geomagnetic field, then the other part will be closed on Venus and Mars. Is it possible?!
If this problem is true, we can make a conducting coil on the earth, and then connect the current, and the coil can fly to the sky by itself! Isn't that ridiculous?!
Why Chinese students have good academic performance but poor innovation ability is that they don't have the habit of observing and experimenting. How can they make new discoveries without observing and experimenting!

There are two parallel conducting wires. When they are conducting current in the opposite direction, the interaction between the two wires is repulsive. This is because ()
A. The results of the interaction between the charges on the two wires through the electric field generated by each other B. the charges moving directionally on the two wires are the same kind of charges, so they repel each other C. The results of the interaction between the charges moving directionally on the two wires through the magnetic field generated by each other D The current on the wire is formed by the electric field force generated by the power source acting on the charge to make it move directionally, and the interaction between the two wires is also the result of the interaction of the electric field force generated by the power source

A. There is a magnetic field around the electrified straight wire, and the magnetic field has a strong effect on the current, so the two wires have a strong effect on each other, so a is wrong. B. according to the analysis of a, B is wrong. C. The result of the action of the directional moving charges on the two wires on the other side through their respective magnetic fields is mutual exclusion, so C is correct

Why is the direction of current parallel to the direction of magnetic induction line in the electrified wire, and the wire is not affected by magnetic force

When the charge moves along the direction of the magnetic field, it is not affected by the magnetic force, so the current is not affected by the ampere force

As shown in the figure, two parallel long straight wires a and B carry currents of the same size and opposite direction. The magnitude of magnetic field force on a is F1. When a and a conductor are added, the magnetic field force on a is F1
Two parallel long straight wires a and B carry currents of the same size and opposite direction. The magnetic field force on a is F1. When a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the wire is added, the magnetic field force on a becomes F2, and the magnetic field force on B becomes?
Two parallel long straight wires a and B carry currents of the same size and direction. The magnetic field force on a is F1. When a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the wire is added, the magnetic field force on a becomes F2, and the magnetic field force on B becomes?

Current placed in reverse direction:
When there is no magnetic field, the magnetic force on a and B is reversed, that is, the magnetic force on B is also F1, but the direction is opposite to that on a
When the magnetic field is added, the ampere force of a and B is the same as that of the magnetic field, so the magnetic force of B becomes F2
Current placed in the same direction:
When there is no magnetic field, the magnetic force on a and B is reversed, that is, the magnetic force on B is also F1, but the direction is opposite to that on a
When the magnetic field is added, the ampere force on a and B is equal, so the magnetic force on B becomes 2f1-f2

Two parallel wires a and B have the same size and opposite direction of current. Is the magnetic field on wire a the combined magnetic field of two wires or the magnetic field excited by light B?
Our teacher analyzed a and B separately, that is, a is only excited by B
But I think it should be the combined magnetic field of a and B

You're right. Your teacher misunderstood it. It's a combined magnetic field