It is known that the waist of an isosceles right triangle is 2m. How to find the height and the bottom and what formula to use

It is known that the waist of an isosceles right triangle is 2m. How to find the height and the bottom and what formula to use

Use Pythagorean theorem to calculate the hypotenuse first, that is, the length of the base, and also use Pythagorean theorem to calculate the height

The bottom is 13.2 meters long. 45 meters long. The hypotenuse is 13.5 meters long


An isosceles right triangle, the longest side is 20 cm, ask this triangle area

I don't know what year you are in, so I don't know how to tell you
Analysis: in isosceles RT triangle (RT is right angle), the longest side is hypotenuse
Method 1: make the height of the hypotenuse, because it is an isosceles RT triangle, so the height of the hypotenuse is also the middle line of the hypotenuse. In an isosceles RT triangle, the middle line of the hypotenuse is half of the hypotenuse. The height of the hypotenuse is 10 cm. According to the triangle area formula s = 1 / 2 ah, the triangle area is 100 square cm
Method 2: according to the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of squares of two right angle sides is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Because the two right angle sides are equal, the length of the two right angle sides is 10 times of the root sign of 2cm (my computer can't get the root sign, so I dictated it). According to the triangle area formula, the triangle area is 100cm2
Method 3: because it is an isosceles RT triangle, the two base angles are 45 degrees. According to the acute angle trigonometric function (sin45 = root sign 2 / 2), the two right angles are 10 times of root sign 2cm. Then calculate the triangle area