How to calculate the bottom area of a triangle?

How to calculate the bottom area of a triangle?

The formula of triangle area is that the base times the height divided by 2

To calculate the area of a triangle, only when it is vertical can it be used = bottom * height * 1 / 2?

Yes, but there is a general formula for calculating the area of a triangle: S = (1 / 2) * a * b * sin (c), C is the angle between a and B

The area of triangle is 0.96 square centimeter, the bottom is 1.2 centimeter, how high is it?

Height = 0.96 × 2 △ 1.2 = 1.6cm

The area of the triangle is 0.96 square centimeter, the bottom is 1.2 centimeter, and how high is it

Area of triangle = (base × height) / 2
Height = (area × 2) / bottom