Written in C # language, it is required to declare the triangle class, inherit the graphic abstract class, and calculate the perimeter and area of the triangle!

Written in C # language, it is required to declare the triangle class, inherit the graphic abstract class, and calculate the perimeter and area of the triangle!

class Sharp{
public virtual Sun(){
class Sharp_ Par1:Sharp{
public Point P1,P2,P2;
public overides Sun(){

If point P is in triangle ABC, compare the circumference of triangle ABC with that of triangle BPC, and explain the reason

The perimeter of triangle ABC (AB + AC + BC) is larger than that of triangle BPC (Pb + PC + BC)
The reason is: extend BP AC to d
In the triangle abd, AB + ad is greater than BD,
In triangular PDC, PD + DC is larger than PC,
So AB + AD + PD + DC is larger than BD + PC,
That is: ab + AC + PD is greater than BP + PD + PC,
So AB + AC is larger than Pb + PC,
So AB + AC + BC is larger than Pb + PC + BC

What is the perimeter ratio of the two triangles 3:5 and the area ratio?

If it's similar, the area ratio is the square of the perimeter ratio, which is 9:25
Area is the quadratic relation of length. Take the ratio of bottom to height as an example. The ratio of each term is 3:5, which is multiplied by 9:25
If not, there is no law