C language. Input three numbers to find out whether it can form a triangle, can, find out the area

C language. Input three numbers to find out whether it can form a triangle, can, find out the area

#The purpose of this paper is to include "how how to" include "how to" include "how to include" how to include "how to include" how to include "how to include" how to include "how to include" how to include "how to include" how to include "how to include" and "how to include" how to include "how to include" how "and" H "in the" how to include "how" and how to {& amp & nbsp; & & nbsp; and & amp; nbsp; how & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp; amp; nbsp; amp; amp; amp; amp; nbsp & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp& nbsp; {& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; &The three input numbers can form a triangle, and its area is: the three input numbers can form a triangle, and its area is: the three input numbers can form a triangle, and its area is: a triangle, and its area is: the three input numbers can form a triangle, and its area is: triangle, and its area is: triangle, which is a triangle, and its area is: the three input numbers can form a triangle, and its area is: the three numbers you can form a triangle, and its area is: the following; & amp & amp & amp & amp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & amp & nbsp& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; && nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;} & nbsp; & nbsp; else & nbsp; & nbsp; {& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; printf ("the three numbers entered cannot form a triangle!"); & nbsp; & nbsp;} & nbsp; & nbsp;}

In C language, input three numbers from the keyboard to form three sides of the triangle, how to find its area

The lengths of the three sides of the triangle are: A, B, C, when s = 1 / 2 (a + B + C),
The area of triangle is: area = under the root sign [S (S-A) (S-B) (S-C)]
Triangle judgment: the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side
{ int errormark=0;
float a,b,c,s;
scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c);
switch (a>b && a>c)
{ case 1:if(b+ca && b>c)
{ case 1:if (a+c

Task description:
Input three sides a, B, C of triangle to judge whether they can form a triangle. If they can form a triangle, point out what kind of triangle they are. Note: judge whether floating-point numbers are equal, and if the absolute value of the difference is less than 10-3, they are considered equal. Five test cases are required
Input request: F% F% F
Output requirements:
(1) If it is isosceles triangle, output "iscsceles triangle!"
(2) If it is a right triangle, output "right angled triangle!"
(3) If it is isosceles right triangle, output "iscsceles right triangle!"
(4) If it is a general triangle, output "triangle!"
(5) If the triangle cannot be formed, output "error!"
What's wrong with my editing? Why can't I respond to every input?
#define LIMIT 1e-1
int main()
float a,b,c;
if ((a+b)>c && (b+c)>a && (a+c)>b)
if ( fabs(a-b)
Build and run are OK, but the program can't respond after inputting the number

Scanf (%% F,% F ", a, B, c) is wrong. It should be scanf (%% F,% F", & A, & B, & C);

Write a program, input triangle three sides a, B, C, judge whether a, B, C can form triangle, if not, output corresponding information, if can calculate triangle area
Write a program, input triangle three sides a, B, C, judge whether a, B, C can form triangle, if not, output corresponding information, if can calculate triangle area. Attention is C language!

/*Time: 2010-4-8 Author: Ju * / #############include double check (double a, double B, double C) {double temp = 0; / * check the trilateral relationship and calculate the area * / if ((a + b) > C & (a + C)