Granny Li's family uses a fence and a wall to build a small vegetable garden. The fence is 64cm long. Please find the area of Granny Li's garden. Note: the bottom is 14m and the slanting side is 19m long

Granny Li's family uses a fence and a wall to build a small vegetable garden. The fence is 64cm long. Please find the area of Granny Li's garden. Note: the bottom is 14m and the slanting side is 19m long

Trapezoid area = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2. Bevel = 19 meters, upper bottom + lower bottom = 64-19 = 45 meters, area = 45 × 14 △ 2 = 315 square meters

Science review questions for grade five of primary school

In addition to the vigor of the seed itself, there must also be suitable external conditions. Generally speaking, with sufficient water, suitable temperature and enough air, the seed can germinate, and some seeds need light

People's education press Primary School Science grade 5 Volume 2 unit 1 test question science

I'd like to answer, but I don't have that book. Let's talk about the title and see if we can answer it~

Now the topic of grade 5 in primary school is really more and more difficult. I've read it twice, but I can't answer it. Thanks again, because I have to tell children
1: A pile of coal burned one sixth of it in November and two ninth of it in December, burning 2.1 tons in two months. How many tons of coal are there in this pile
1: The road repair team has built three fifths of a highway, and there are still three fourths of meters left. How many kilometers is the total length of this highway?

It's hard = =
1. 1 / 6 + 2 / 9 = 7 / 18 2.1 △ 7 / 18 = 5.4 tons
First, calculate the fraction corresponding to 2.1 tons, and then divide the specific quantity by the fraction to calculate unit one
2. 1-3 / 5 = 2 / 5 4 / 3 △ 2 / 5 = 10 / 3 km
First calculate the corresponding fraction, and then remove the specific quantity