More than 1000 off form calculation exercises in Grade 6

More than 1000 off form calculation exercises in Grade 6

0.4×125×3-21.5 1.25×(8/5+9/10) 1.24×8.3+8.3×1.76 (14.8-6.5)×6.3+8.3×3.7 3.2×42.3×3.75-1.25×42.3×1.613.23×[4×2.4×6.25] 1.8+18÷1.5-0.5×0.3 2700×(506-499)÷900 33.02-(148.4-9...

200 exercises of off form calculation
Do not be too simple, the key is the order of operation

Upstairs, pay attention to the format

(1) the longer the radius of a circle is, the larger the area of the circle is. (2) two circles with the same circumference must have the same area
(3) The radius and area of the circle are tripled
(4) A circle with a radius of 2 cm has the same perimeter and area
(5) Draw a circle of wire into a rectangle, the circumference of the rectangle is equal to that of the original circle

(1) The longer the radius of a circle, the larger its area
(2) Two circles with the same circumference must have the same area
(3) The radius and area of the circle are tripled
(4) A circle with a radius of 2 cm has the same perimeter and area
(5) Draw a circle of wire into a rectangle, the circumference of the rectangle is equal to that of the original circle

Two circles have the same area and the same perimeter______ (judge right or wrong)

Because the PI is fixed, the area of two circles is equal, the radius of two circles must be equal, so their perimeter must be equal