Use the largest integer as divisor to remove 265, 365 and 607, and the remainder is 1, 5 and 7 respectively. Q: what is the divisor? There is rectangular land, 532 meters long and 308 meters wide. Now trees are planted in four corners, four corners and all around. The distance between the two trees is equal and requires the maximum. How many trees can be planted? What is the distance between the two trees?

Use the largest integer as divisor to remove 265, 365 and 607, and the remainder is 1, 5 and 7 respectively. Q: what is the divisor? There is rectangular land, 532 meters long and 308 meters wide. Now trees are planted in four corners, four corners and all around. The distance between the two trees is equal and requires the maximum. How many trees can be planted? What is the distance between the two trees?

1.24 265-1=264 365-5=360 607-7=600
The meaning is to find the greatest common divisor of 264, 360 and 600, which is 24
2. The distance is the greatest common divisor of 532 and 308, which is 28
532/28=19 308/28=11
Number of trees (19 + 11) * 2-4 = 56 (calculated twice for four corners)

There are four classes in grade five of Yucai primary school. Every two classes are divided into a group, and the group is decided by drawing lots______ .

A: the possibility of class five (1) and class five (2) in a group is 16

The fare is 1 yuan per kilometer within 10 kilometers, and 1.5 yuan per kilometer over 10 kilometers. Dongdong and Fangfang take a taxi together. It is 12 kilometers away from Fangfang's home and 8 kilometers away from Dongdong's home. The total fare is 13 yuan. How much is it per person?

4. Party A and Party B walk from place a to place B at the same time. When Party A walks 1 / 4 of the whole journey, Party B is 640 meters away from place B. when Party A walks the remaining 5 / 6, Party B walks 7 / 10 of the whole journey. What is the distance between two places?
The remaining 1-1 / 4 is 3 / 4
So the remaining 5 / 6 is 3 / 4 × 5 / 6 = 5 / 8
At this time, a total of 1 / 4 + 5 / 8 = 7 / 8
Then the distance ratio of Party A and Party B is 7 / 8:7 / 10 = 5:4
So when a takes 1 / 4 of the whole journey, B takes 1 / 4 × 4 / 5 of the whole journey = 1 / 5
Then AB distance = 640 / (1-1 / 5) = 800 meters
5. Car a and car B leave from a and B at the same time, facing each other. Car a travels 75 kilometers per hour, while car B takes 7 hours to complete the whole journey. After 3 hours, the distance between the two cars is 15 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?
One situation: Party A and Party B have not met yet
Car B runs 3 / 7 of the whole journey in 3 hours
A 3-hour travel 75 × 3 = 225 km
AB distance = (225 + 15) / (1-3 / 7) = 240 / (4 / 7) = 420 km
One situation: Party A and Party B have met
(225-15) / (1-3 / 7) = 210 / (4 / 7) = 367.5km
6. A, two people have to finish the road. A has to walk 30 minutes, and has to walk 20 minutes. After 3 minutes, a finds that he hasn't taken something, and it's delayed for 3 minutes. How many minutes will he walk with him?
A starts 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 minutes later than B
Consider the whole distance as unit 1
So the velocity of a is 1 / 30
Speed of B = 1 / 20
When a finished taking things and set out, B had already gone 1 / 20 × 9 = 9 / 20
Then the distance between a and B is 1-9 / 20 = 11 / 20
The speed sum of a and B = 1 / 20 + 1 / 30 = 1 / 12
Then (11 / 20) / (1 / 12) = 6.6 minutes
7. Car a and car B start from place a and travel in the same direction. Car a travels 36 kilometers per hour and car B 48 kilometers per hour. If car a starts 2 hours earlier than car B, how long does it take car B to catch up with car a?
Distance difference = 36 × 2 = 72 km
Speed difference = 48-36 = 12 km / h
It takes car B 72 / 12 = 6 hours to catch up with car a
8. Party A and Party B set out at the same time from a and B, which are 36 kilometers apart. When party a set out from a to 1 kilometer, he found that there was something in place a in the past, and immediately returned. When he went, he immediately moved from place a to place B. in this way, Party A and Party B just met at the end of a and B. He also knew that Party A walked 0.5 kilometers more than Party B per hour, and asked for the speed of Party A and Party B?
A actually walked 36 × 1 / 2 + 1 × 2 = 20 km when they met
B walked 36 × 1 / 2 = 18 km
Then a walks 20-18 kilometers more than B
So the time to meet is 2 / 0.5 = 4 hours
So the speed of a = 20 / 4 = 5 km / h
Speed of B = 5-0.5 = 4.5km/h
9. At the same time, the two trains run from the two places with a distance of 400 kilometers. The passenger trains run 60 kilometers per hour, and the freight trains run 40 kilometers per hour. After running for a few hours, the two trains meet each other with a distance of 100 kilometers?
Speed sum = 60 + 40 = 100 km / h
There are two situations,
No meeting
So it takes time = (400-100) / 100 = 3 hours
Have met
Then it takes time = (400 + 100) / 100 = 5 hours
10. A drives 9 kilometers per hour, B drives 7 kilometers per hour. The two travel at the same time at a distance of 6 kilometers. A few hours later, the distance is 150 kilometers?
Speed sum = 9 + 7 = 16 km / h
Then after (150-6) / 16 = 144 / 16 = 9 hours, the distance is 150 km
11. A and B vehicles travel from two places 600 kilometers apart at the same time. It is known that a vehicle travels 42 kilometers per hour and B vehicle 58 kilometers per hour. When the two vehicles meet, how many kilometers does B vehicle travel?
Speed sum = 42 + 58 = 100 km / h
Encounter time = 600 / 100 = 6 hours
When they met, car B traveled 58 × 6 = 148 kilometers
Speed ratio of car a and car B = 42:58 = 21:29
So when we met, car B ran 600 × 29 / (21 + 29) = 348 km
12. The two cars are facing each other. They meet in six hours. After four hours, the bus arrives. The truck is 188 kilometers away. How far is the distance between the two places?
Think of the two cars as a whole
Two cars travel 1 / 6 of the whole journey per hour
4 hours 1 / 6 × 4 = 2 / 3
Then the whole journey = 188 / (1-2 / 3) = 188 × 3 = 564 km
13. The distance between a and B is 600 km. The passenger cars and freight cars run from each other and meet each other in six hours. It is known that the speed of the freight car is two-thirds of that of the passenger car. What is the speed of the two cars?
Speed sum of two cars = 600 / 6 = 100 km / h
Bus speed = 100 / (1 + 2 / 3) = 100 × 3 / 5 = 60 km / h
Truck speed = 100-60 = 40 km / h
14. The rabbit and the cat walk from a and B, which are 40 kilometers apart. After 4 hours, they get together for 4 kilometers. How long does it take for them to meet each other?
Speed sum = (40-4) / 4 = 9 km / h
Then it will take 4 / 9 hours
15. Car a and car B leave from a and B respectively. Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour and car B 40 kilometers per hour. How far is the distance between car a and car B one hour earlier than car B?
When vehicle a reaches the terminal, vehicle B is 40 × 1 = 40 km away from the terminal
Car a travels 40 kilometers more than car B
Then the time for car a to reach the terminal is 40 / (50-40) = 4 hours
Distance between the two places = 40 × 5 = 200 km
16. The local train is three fifths of the speed of the express train. When they meet, the express train travels 80 kilometers more than the local train. How far is the distance between the two places?
Speed ratio of express train to local train = 1:3 / 5 = 5:3
When we met, the express took 5 / 8 of the whole journey
The local train is 3 / 8 of the whole journey
Then the whole journey = 80 / (5 / 8-3 / 8) = 320 km
17. Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time and walk in opposite directions. Party A travels 100 meters per minute and Party B 120 meters per minute. Two hours later, they are 150 meters apart. What is the shortest distance between a and B? What is the longest distance?
The shortest distance is met, the longest distance is not met
Speed sum = 100 + 120 = 220 M / min
2 hours = 120 minutes
The shortest distance = 220 × 120-150 = 26400-150 = 26250m
The longest distance = 220 × 120 + 150 = 26400 + 150 = 26550m
18. The distance between a and B is 180 km. A car from a to B is planned to arrive in 4 hours, and the actual line is 5 km more than the original plan. How many hours ahead of the original plan?
Original speed = 180 / 4 = 45 km / h
Actual speed = 45 + 5 = 50 km / h
Actual time used = 180 / 50 = 3.6 hours
4-3.6 = 0.4 hours in advance
We need more

A mathematical calculation problem
This should be done by splitting the column items in simple calculation: [I'm a fighter who can't score, the front of the vertical line is the denominator, and the back of the vertical line is the numerator] 15-
The front 15 - no ha ~ I typed wrong
