Fourth grade volume two calculation questions 200! Strong formula, simple calculation, the second equation calculation, in addition to horizontal not

Fourth grade volume two calculation questions 200! Strong formula, simple calculation, the second equation calculation, in addition to horizontal not

49×102-2×49 125×76×8 8.33-2.43-4.57
103×32 6.7+ 2.63+4.3 41000÷8÷125
5824÷8×(85-78) 840÷28+70×18
40 times 13 times 25 480 divided by 32 120 divided by 5 divided by 4
38 by 201 45 by 97-7 by 45 21 by 41 minus 21
35 by 22 plus 35 by 36 + 35 by 22 44 by 198 125 by 25 by 8 by 40
95 times 53 plus 53 99 times 125 45 times 101 minus 45
1、475+254+361 2、615+475+125 3、860-168+159
4、465+358-27 5、647-(85+265) 6、476+(65-29)
7、154×8÷16 8、400÷25×75 9、16×25÷16×25
10、552÷69×8 11、600-120÷10 12、(600-120)÷10
13、(466-25×4)÷6 14、(43+32)÷(357-352)
15、138+(27+48)÷25 16、56×19+25×8
2、 It is calculated by a simple method
1、368+2649+1351 2、 89+101+111
3、24+127+476+573 4、400-273-127
5、327+(96-127) 6、72×98
7、442-103-142 8、999+99+9
9、67×5×2 10、25×(78×4)
11、72×125 12、9000÷125÷8
13、400÷25 14、25×36
15、103×27 16、76×102
17、3600÷25÷4 18、99×35
19、(25+12)×4 20、56×27+27×44
21、56×99+56 22、125×25×8×4
23、25×32×125 24、125×64
(1)(78+61)+39 (2)700-82-18
(8)997×7+21 (9)87×470+870×53
(11)125×(8+40)×25 (12)99+49×99
That's it (*^__ ^*(hee hee Give me the best, thank you

Simple calculation in Volume 2 of grade 4

1、368+2649+1351 2、 89+101+1113、24+127+476+573 4、400-273-1275、327+(96-127) 6、72×987、442-103-142 8、999+99+99、67×5×2 10、25×(78×4)11、72×125 12、9000÷125÷813、400÷25 ...

The answers to 100 practical math problems in grade 4
Thank you

Question 1 if the sum of a four digit number and a three digit number is 1999, and the four digit number and the three digit number are composed of seven different numbers, how many four digit numbers can there be at most? This is the fourth small question of the third big question in the final paper of the 15th Beijing primary school students' welcome spring cup mathematics competition, and it is also lost by the contestants

You have 50 questions

1. A has 14.8 yuan and B has 15.2 yuan. They want to buy a football together. The price of a football is twice the sum of their money. How much is a football and how much is the difference between them?
2. A machine can cultivate 15 hectares of land in 3 hours. According to this calculation, how many hours does it take to cultivate 75 hectares of land with 5 machines?
3. There are 14 cases of duck eggs in the store. After selling 250 kg, there are still 4 cases and 20 kg left. How many kg are there in each case?
4. Guangming primary school donated 240 books to students in mountainous areas. The fourth grade donated 240 books. The fifth grade donated twice as much as the fourth grade. The sixth grade donated 120 more books than the fifth grade. How many books did each grade donate on average?
5. The grain store carries in 20 bags of rice and flour, each bag of rice is 90 kg, and each bag of flour is 25 kg. How many kg more rice is brought in than flour? (answer in two ways)
6. The two ropes are 48.4 meters long in total. After cutting 6.4 meters from the first one, the second one is 6 meters more than the remaining two times of the first one. How long are the two ropes?
1. The fourth and fifth grade students collected 18.6 kg of tree species. The fourth grade collected 2.5 kg less than the fifth grade. How many kg of tree species were collected in the two grades?
2. A workshop used to use 2450 kilowatt hours of electricity per month. After carrying out the saving activities, the electricity consumption of the previous year can be used for two more months. How many kilowatt hours of electricity can this workshop save per month?
1. The students take part in tree planting work. There are 96 students in grade 4, each planting 3 trees. There are 87 students in Grade 5, each planting 4 trees. How many more trees are planted in Grade 5 than in grade 4?
2. The scores of the six students in the first group are 86, 79, 98, 100, 89 and 94 respectively. What is their average score?
3. A car travels 135 kilometers in three hours, and the speed of an airplane is 28 times that of a car, which is less than 60 kilometers. How many kilometers does this airplane travel per hour?
1. A garment factory produces 850 suits in 5 days. How many suits does it produce in a month? (a month is calculated as 30 days)
2. The store brought 8 baskets of apples and 12 baskets of pears, 38 kg for each basket of apples and 42 kg for each basket of pears. How many kg of fruit did the store bring?
3. A construction site needs 240 tons of cement, which is transported by 5 vehicles. Each vehicle transports 3 tons each time. How many times does it take to complete the transportation
1. The distance between a and B is 750 kilometers. How many hours can a car reach B at the speed of 50 kilometers per hour? (list the equation with unknowns and solve it again)
2. Xiao Hua and Xiao Lin have 12 pencils, Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong have 20 pencils. How many pencils do they have on average?
1. The third and fourth grades of a primary school need to water 620 trees. In the third grade, 40 trees are watered every day for 8 days. In the fourth grade, the rest are watered in 5 days. How many trees are watered every day?
3. The distance between a and B is 560 km. One car goes from place a to place B for 48 km per hour, and the other car goes from place B to place a for 32 km per hour?
4. A section of highway was originally planned to be completed in 20 days. In fact, it is 45 meters more than the original plan every day, and the task is completed five days ahead of schedule. How many meters is the original plan every day?
(the title is wrong!)