How to calculate that the result of 3, - 5, - 7 and (- 13) is 24?

How to calculate that the result of 3, - 5, - 7 and (- 13) is 24?

There are four formulas

The function of% in the ordinary calculator of windows
For example, 50 + 25% = 50 + 12.5 = 62.5, 4 + 2% = 4 + 0.08 = 4.08; 25% = 0, 0.09% = 0
What is the solution

50 + 25% = 50 + 12.5 = 62.5 is equivalent to 25% of 50 + 50, 25% of 50 is 12.5
4 + 2% = 4 + 0.0. = 4.08 is equivalent to 2% of 4 + 4, 2% of 4 is 0.0.8
25% = 0 and 0.09% = 0 are equivalent to 25% of 0 and 0.09% of 0 are both 0

Use only add, subtract, multiply, divide and 5 on the calculator to make 17 appear on the screen
I want detailed process!

As long as you get 85 and divide by 5

What is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in calculator?

Plus =+
Minus =-
Multiply = ×*
Division = / //