Twelve matchsticks are placed into four small squares. After moving three matchsticks, they become three small squares. How to move them

Twelve matchsticks are placed into four small squares. After moving three matchsticks, they become three small squares. How to move them

That's right. It's a bit of a setback

Twelve matchsticks make up four small squares. Now move four of them into three small squares. How do you move them?
The outside is surrounded by eight pieces to form a large square, and the inside is perpendicular to each other to divide the large square into four small ones

The original "field" type, the diagonal two a total of four removed, and then make a square, into the "product" word

Move the two matches in the picture from four squares to six squares
| ̄|_ | ̄|
| ̄| | ̄|
 ̄  ̄
It's 15 matches, two "eights," with a bar in the middle

Move as shown in the picture

How to move the five squares made up of 16 matchsticks into four squares?
There are three squares in the upper row, two squares in the lower row, and the third one in the upper row overlaps the first one in the lower row

The red dotted line is taken away

What is the number of vertices, edges and faces of a geometry


(graphics and Transformations)
How to use a mirror to turn "2 + 3 = 8" into a real equation?
(2, 3 and 8 are all the numbers on the electronic clock, but I can't type them out.)
But after 3 uses the mirror, is not 3

Put a mirror directly below or above to make 5 + 3 = 8

Use 12 matchsticks to make a figure (the figure is a field) and move 3 of them to make it three congruent squares

I copied it from the Internet
In this way, three of them are moved into three congruent squares: similar to the character "pin", but the space between the two squares is the length of a match

Put 12 matches into a "field", move 4 matches to form 3 congruent squares

I know, but not necessarily right, and I can't send pictures, so I'll dictate
If you hold the two three squares in a diagonal line, move the other four to form another square

There are 12 matches in total. Move 4 matches to make 3 congruent squares
The original picture is a field shape

The diagonal two squares of Tian Zi Ge are reserved, and the remaining four are gathered to the top to form a ladder

Use 12 matchsticks to form 3 squares (i.e. a "pin"), please move 3 matchsticks to form a figure with 5 squares

The "mouth" on the top of the word "pin" should be in the middle of the two "mouths" below. The matchstick at the bottom of the upper "mouth" should be pasted on the left and right upper corners of the two "mouths" below respectively. Move the three matches in one of the mouths below to form the word "Tian"