We help out 100 oral calculation, 50 written calculation, 30 off formula calculation You don't have to answer all the questions. The more you give, the better. The more you add up, the more you get

We help out 100 oral calculation, 50 written calculation, 30 off formula calculation You don't have to answer all the questions. The more you give, the better. The more you add up, the more you get

Oral calculation 1.45 + 15 × 6 = 135 2.250 / 5 × 8 = 400 3.6 × 5 / 2 × 4 = 60 4.30 × 3 + 8 = 98 5.400 / 4 + 20 × 5 = 200 6.10 + 12 / 3 + 20 = 34 7. (80 / 20 + 80) / 4 = 21 8.70 + (100-10 × 5) = 120 9.360 / 40 = 9 10.40 × 20 = 800 11.80-25 = 55 12.70 + 45 = 115 13

Is the addition and subtraction method of written calculation the same as that of disjunctive calculation

Not the same. Written calculation is column vertical calculation
The formula is as follows:

The fourth grade decimal addition and subtraction formula calculation 10


Who has 10 ways to calculate 10 ways to borrow equation

The combustion of magnesium in air: 2mg + O2 ignites 2MgO 2, iron in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites fe3o43, aluminum in air: 4Al + 3O2 ignites 2al2o34, hydrogen in air: 2h2 + O2 ignites 2h2o5, red phosphorus in air: 4P + 5o2