Xiaojun's walking distance is 14 more than Xiaohong's, but Xiaohong's walking time is 110 more than Xiaojun's______ .

Xiaojun's walking distance is 14 more than Xiaohong's, but Xiaohong's walking time is 110 more than Xiaojun's______ .

The distance ratio of Xiaojun and Xiaohong is: (1 + 14): 1 = 54:1 = 5:4; the time ratio of Xiaojun and Xiaohong is: 1: (1 + 110) = 1:1110 = 10:11; then the speed ratio of Xiaojun and Xiaohong is: (5 ﹣ 10): (4 ﹣ 11) = 510:411 = 11:8

Xiaojun's distance is 1 / 4 more than Xiaohong's, but Xiaohong's time is 1 / 9 more than Xiaojun's?

Xiaohong's walking distance is 1, Xiaojun's walking distance is (1 + 1 / 4)
The time spent by Xiaohong is (1 + 1 / 9), and the time spent by Xiaojun is 1
Then: Xiaohong walking speed: 1 / (1 + 1 / 9) = 9 / 10
Walking speed of small army: (1 + 1 / 4) / 1 = 5 / 4
Speed ratio of Xiaohong and Xiaojun: 9 / 10:5 / 4 = 18:25

Xiao Hong and Xiao Li are good friends. She often helps him review his lessons

Xiao Hong and Xiao Li are good friends. She often helps her review her lessons

Xiaoli has 12 more color pictures than Xiaolan, which is just 310 times of Xiaolan's. how many color pictures does Xiaolan have? How many do Xiao Li have?

12 △ 310 = 40 (sheets); 40 + 12 = 52 (sheets); a: Xiaolan has 40 color pictures, Xiaoli has 52