Dad and mom take Xiao Ming to the park and buy a ticket of 17.5 yuan. It is known that an adult ticket is equal to three children's tickets. How much is an adult ticket?

Dad and mom take Xiao Ming to the park and buy a ticket of 17.5 yuan. It is known that an adult ticket is equal to three children's tickets. How much is an adult ticket?

17.5 = 7 Dwarfs

To buy a ticket for an amusement park, you have to pay 190 yuan for three adults and two children, and 400 yuan for six adults and five children,
How much does an adult and a child have to pay?

Use 400-190 to get 210. This is the ticket price for three adults and three children
Use 210 / 3 to get 70. That's the ticket price for an adult and a child