Dad takes a day off every 6 days and mom takes a day off every 7 days. If Mom and Dad take a day off at the same time on March 4, what month and day do they take a day off at the same time?

Dad takes a day off every 6 days and mom takes a day off every 7 days. If Mom and Dad take a day off at the same time on March 4, what month and day do they take a day off at the same time?

(6 + 1) * (7 + 1) = 56; the 56th day of 3-4 is April 29

Today is October 13, Xiaoxiao's parents are at home to rest. My father has a two-day rest and my mother has a three-day rest
When is the next time they will have a rest at home?

Xiaoxiao's parents will have a rest next time: October 25
Calculation method: the multiple of dad's day off and mom's day off plus the day off now is the next day off: 3 × 4 + 13 = 25

Xiao Ming's father is a sailor, and his mother is a nurse. He has a day off every five days. Today is August 11, and his parents have a day off. In those august months, what number are two people resting at the same time?

The situation that both parents rest can only happen in 3 * 5 = 15
Another 15 days
August 26th