Xiao Hong's mother works 6 days in a row and takes 1 day off, while her father works 5 days in a row and takes 1 day off. On Tuesday, both parents are at home. What day should parents rest next time

Xiao Hong's mother works 6 days in a row and takes 1 day off, while her father works 5 days in a row and takes 1 day off. On Tuesday, both parents are at home. What day should parents rest next time


In the evening, Xiao Ming and his parents watched the night scene of Qingdao. They found that on a new road, the master worker was preparing to install street lamps. They only heard the person in charge say, "not only do you need to
According to the drawing below, Xiao Ming quickly worked out how many lamps to install at least
560m 630m
Whatever you say

Take the midpoint of a and C as D, the midpoint of C and B as e, that is, ad = 280, EB = 315, street lamps should be installed at a, D, C, e and B, and they should be equidistant. Find the minimum distance. The maximum common divisor of 280 and 315 is 35! Bring in 560 and 630 to meet the meaning of the problem!

Xiao Ming was late for helping a lost child find his parents on the way. He didn't want to show himself to the teacher
He doesn't want to express himself or be criticized by the teacher. How can he say that he can achieve the above goal and appear natural and appropriate? (can't lie)

It's said that there is something delayed. If the teacher asks the reason, it's not to show himself to tell the truth

During the May Day golden week, Wu Hao and his parents visited Huaguo Mountain together. When they took a tour bus down the mountain road, they found that the driver had to step on the brake pedal from time to time. When the car was running to the middle, they had to stop and ask the staff to spray water on the wheel brake pad with a tap. Wu Hao put forward the following views: 1 The purpose is to reduce the temperature of the brake, so as to prevent the brake from being damaged due to high temperature. 2. The mechanical energy does not change during the downhill process. 3. During the downhill process, gravity does no work on the car. 4. During the braking process, part of the mechanical energy is converted into internal energy A、①②④B、①④C、①③④D、①②③④

① The purpose of spraying water is to prevent the brake from being damaged due to too high temperature, so water is used to cool it down. ① the statement is correct. ② the descending process of tour bus is a process of transforming gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. In order to prevent accidents caused by too fast speed, it is necessary to brake and slow down. The friction makes the car slow down, which leads to the decrease of kinetic energy, height and gravitational potential energy (3) the process of gravitational potential energy transforming into kinetic energy is the process of gravity doing work. So this statement is wrong. (4) the process of braking is a process of friction generating heat, and the mechanical energy transforming into internal energy. So this statement is correct. From this we can see that the correct statement is (1) and (4). To sum up, we choose B