Relevant data show that: when the height of an area increases by 100 meters, the temperature drops by 0.8 ℃. Xiaoming and Xiaoying come up with a way to measure the height of the mountain peak. Xiaoying is at the foot of the mountain, Xiaoming is at the top of the mountain. At the same time, they measured the temperature at the foot of the mountain and at the top of the mountain at 10 o'clock in the morning, which are 2.2 ℃ and 0.2 ℃ respectively. Do you know how high the mountain peak is?

Relevant data show that: when the height of an area increases by 100 meters, the temperature drops by 0.8 ℃. Xiaoming and Xiaoying come up with a way to measure the height of the mountain peak. Xiaoying is at the foot of the mountain, Xiaoming is at the top of the mountain. At the same time, they measured the temperature at the foot of the mountain and at the top of the mountain at 10 o'clock in the morning, which are 2.2 ℃ and 0.2 ℃ respectively. Do you know how high the mountain peak is?

(0.2-2.2) / (- 0.8) × 100 = (- 2) / (- 0.8) × 100 = 250m; answer: the peak is 250m

Relevant data show that the temperature drops by 0.8 ℃ when the height of a certain area increases by 100 meters
Xiaoming and Xiaohong come up with a way to measure the height of the mountain. Xiaohong is at the foot of the mountain and Xiaoming is at the top of the mountain. They also measured the temperature at the foot of the mountain at 9 am, which is 2.6 ℃ and the temperature at the top of the mountain is - 2.2 ℃. Do you know the height of the mountain?
I am:
Let the height of the peak be x meters
Isn't that right?

X is 600, not 6

Xiaohong runs with Xiaoli in the 100 meter race. Every time Xiaohong arrives at the finish line 10 meters ahead of Xiaoli. If Xiaoli advances 10 meters, then she will compete with Xiaohong in the same way?
Xiaohong runs with Xiaoli in the 100 meter race. Every time Xiaohong reaches the finish line 10 meters earlier than Xiaoli. If Xiaoli advances 10 meters and then competes with Xiaohong according to their original average speed, who will reach the finish line first
Reason ~ reason ~ reason!

Ha, it's so simple. Xiao Li came first, because she only ran 90m!

Xiaohong and Xiaohua went to the bookstore to buy books. They saw a set of two scientific exploration series. When they looked at the price of the books, Xiaohong said, "I don't have enough money, and the difference is 8.5 yuan". Xiaohua said, "I don't have enough money, and the difference is 11.7 yuan". Later, they put the money together and bought the series. If the prices of the two books in the series are the same, do you know how much each book is Do you have any money?

Suppose the total price of the series is a yuan, Xiaoli brings money a-8.5 yuan, Xiaohua brings money a-11.7 yuan; a-8.5 + a-11.7 = A & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2a-20.2 = a, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a = 20.2 yuan, so the total price of the series is 20.2 yuan; average per book: 20.2 △ 2 = 10.1 yuan; a: the average price of each book is 10.1 yuan