Value range of y = 2x-3 + √ 4x + 3 by substitution method

Value range of y = 2x-3 + √ 4x + 3 by substitution method

Let √ 4x + 3 = t ≥ 0. Then 2x = (T ^ 2-3) / 2
When t ≥ 0, y increases monotonically, so when t = 0, y takes the minimum value - 9 / 2, so the value range is [- 9 / 2, + ∞)



How does Sogou Pinyin input method capitalize the first letter of a word when inputting English?
Is there any other way besides pressing shift and capslock? If not, what input method has this function?

No input method has this function. You have to press shift or caps
However, in Sogou's English input method, the initial letters of some options are capitalized. The English input method I said is not in shift mode,
It is an English input method adjusted by pressing [Ctrl + Shift + e]. In this state, entering English is directly an alternative of Related words, which will automatically complete English. Some words will have capital alternatives, and typing words will automatically add spaces

Why is the first letter capitalized in Chinese pinyin and some are not?
Take the following example
Heng's Pinyin is "H é ng", while 姮's is "Heng" (there are also many characters with phonetic notation like "姮"). Why do they have the same pronunciation but different phonetic notation?

The first letter at the beginning of a sentence and a line of a poem should be capitalized. The first letter of two people's names should be capitalized. 3. Special nouns (such as national names and place names) \ \ trademarks \ \ \ road version, etc. when writing, the first letter of each word should be capitalized. First, it should be eye-catching, solemn and beautiful

Excuse me again, do you want to capitalize the surname and the first letter of a Japanese person's name when translated into English?

such as
Hideki Nakata
English: Hidetoshi Nakata
This should follow the rules in English

How to use pinyin to write a three character name in English

He Tingyu should write "he Tingyu". I wish you a smooth study!

What's the difference between the first and last names written in English

For example, in international events (such as the Olympic Games) you will find that Chinese names are spelled in many different forms. The surname can be capitalized or initialed. If it is a first name, if it is a first name (excluding sex) with two words, then you can change the first word of each word

When should the answers be capitalized, except for proper nouns? Do you need to capitalize the first part of a sentence? Is it OK to capitalize all the answers?

If it's the beginning of the sentence, it should be capitalized, and those proper nouns. Others should be lowercase

Is Guilin rice noodles a proper noun?

Guilin Rice Noodles
Whether it is capitalized or not is a matter of writing format
All words can be capitalized, every word can be capitalized, and only the first word can be capitalized

The first letter of proper noun must be capitalized

A capital letter should be used for the first alphabet of all proper nouns.