Through the point (2, π / 3), and parallel to the level axis of the line, find the polar coordinate equation of the curve

Through the point (2, π / 3), and parallel to the level axis of the line, find the polar coordinate equation of the curve

Point (2, π / 3) is transformed into point (1, √ 3) in rectangular coordinate system
It passes through the point and is parallel to the X axis, so the curve is y = √ 3
The polar coordinate equation is PSIN Θ = √ 3

The curve expressed by polar coordinate equation
What curve does ρ cos θ = 3 represent? (ρ is greater than 0, - 90 ° < θ < 90 °)

That is, x = 3
ρ greater than 0, - 90 °<θ< 90 °
So 0

How to calculate the approximate value of 1.002 to the third power?

The third power of 1.002
=The third power of (1 + 0.002)
=2 power of 1 + 0.002 * 3 + 0.002 * 3 power of 3 + 0.002
Approximately equal to 1.006

DX / (x2 radical (x2-1)) indefinite integral

Take x = sect (t in the first quadrant)
The original formula = ∫ costdt = Sint + C = 1 / sqrt (1-1 / x ^ 2) + C
If t is in the second quadrant
The original formula = - ∫ costdt = - Sint + C = - 1 / sqrt (1-1 / x ^ 2) + C

The positions of a, B and C on the number axis are known as shown in the figure, which is simplified as follows: | 2A | - | a + C | - | 1-B | + | - a-b|

∵ A and C are on the left side of the origin, a < - 1, ∵ a < 0, C < 0, ∵ 2A < 0, a + C < 0, ∵ 0 < B < 1, ∵ 1-B > 0,