Is odd divided into positive odd and negative odd? Even? What is 0

Is odd divided into positive odd and negative odd? Even? What is 0

In integers, the number that can be divisible by 2 is even, and the number that cannot be divisible by 2 is odd. Even numbers can be represented by 2K, odd numbers can be represented by 2K + 1, where k is an integer. Odd numbers include positive odd numbers and negative odd numbers
In integers, the number divisible by 2 is called even number, also called even number
Even numbers include positive even numbers, negative even numbers and 0

Representation of set (1) odd set (2) positive even set (3) inequality x square + 1 ≤ 0 solution set by description method

(2) {x | x = 2n, n is a natural number}

The calculation of rational numbers
④ A nonnegative integer with an absolute value not greater than 3 is ()

④ Non negative integers with absolute values not greater than 3 are (0,1,2,3)
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