A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 25 tons to use______ T, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) of the total number left

A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 25 tons to use______ T, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) of the total number left

1516 × 25 = 0.375 (tons), 1-25 = 35. A: 0.375 tons is used, and 35% is left

A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 25 tons to use______ T, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) of the total number left

1516 × 25 = 0.375 (tons), 1-25 = 35. A: 0.375 tons is used, and 35% is left

A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 25 tons to use______ T, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) of the total number left

1516 × 25 = 0.375 (tons), 1-25 = 35. A: 0.375 tons is used, and 35% is left

A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 13 tons and 13 tons______ Tons. What's left______ .

516 × 13 = 516 (tons); 1-13 = 23; a: 516 tons have been used, and 23% of the total is left