Three large trucks and four small trucks transport 36 tons at a time, four large trucks and five small trucks transport 47 tons at a time?

Three large trucks and four small trucks transport 36 tons at a time, four large trucks and five small trucks transport 47 tons at a time?

The tonnage of one truck and one truck at a time: 47-36 = 11 (tons), the tonnage of each truck at a time: 36-11 × 3 = 3 (tons), the tonnage of each truck at a time: 11-3 = 8 (tons). A: the tonnage of each truck at a time is 8 tons, and the tonnage of each truck at a time is 3 tons

The small truck transports 4 tons less than the large truck each time. The large truck transports 2 / 3 more than the small truck each time. How many tons does the small truck transport each time?

Small truck = 4 △ 2 / 3 = 6 tons

A batch of eggs can be transported in 3 days by 8 carts, 3 / 4 of the total materials can be transported in 8 days by 5 carts. Now, the eggs can be transported in a few days by 3 carts and 4 carts

Every cart transports all the goods every day: 1 / (8 * 3) = 1 / 24
Each car transports all of them every day: (3 / 4) / (5 * 8) = 3 / 160
Three big cars and four small cars can be transported every day
Delivery time: 1 / (1 / 5) = 5 days

To transport a batch of goods, eight cars need to be transported by small cars, and five cars need to be transported by large trucks. It is known that each car of large trucks carries 15 tons more than that of small trucks. How many tons of goods are there?

Suppose that there are x tons of this batch of goods, and each trolley transports a ton, then each cart transports (a + 15) tons
There are 120 tons