A large truck and a small car start from the same point and drive along the same road. The large truck walks for three hours first, and the small car catches up with the large truck four hours later. If the small car travels 6 kilometers less per hour, it can catch up with the large truck five hours later. How many kilometers does the large truck travel per hour?

A large truck and a small car start from the same point and drive along the same road. The large truck walks for three hours first, and the small car catches up with the large truck four hours later. If the small car travels 6 kilometers less per hour, it can catch up with the large truck five hours later. How many kilometers does the large truck travel per hour?

Suppose the speed of a car is x, then the speed of a truck is 47x. From the meaning of the question, we can get that (X-6) × 5 = 47x × (3 + 5), & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x-30 = 327x, 357x-327x = 30, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 70; 70 × 47 = 40 (km)

A large truck and a small car start from the same point and drive along the same road. The large truck walks for three hours first, and the small car catches up with the large truck four hours later. If the small car travels 6 kilometers less per hour, it can catch up with the large truck five hours later. How many kilometers does the large truck travel per hour?

Suppose the speed of a car is x, then the speed of a truck is 47x. From the meaning of the question, we can get that (X-6) × 5 = 47x × (3 + 5), & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x-30 = 327x, 357x-327x = 30, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 70; 70 × 47 = 40 (km)

The truck and the car start from the same place and drive along the same road. The truck walks for two hours first, and the car catches up with the truck four hours later
The car travels 8 kilometers more per hour, and it can catch up with the truck 3 hours after departure. How many kilometers does the truck walk per hour
Don't worry about the equation

Walk two hours first from the truck, and catch up with the truck four hours later
We know that the six hour journey of a truck is the same as the four hour journey of a car
The speed of a big car is two-thirds that of a small one
From the car to walk 8 kilometers per hour, 3 hours after the departure can catch up with the truck
That is to say (car speed + 8) * 3 = car speed * 4
We can know that the speed of the car is 24km / h
Because the speed of a big car is two-thirds that of a small car
So the speed of a big car is 16 km / h

When the two trains run together, it takes 10 hours for freight cars to travel, which is 25% longer than that of passenger cars. When the two trains meet, the distance between passenger cars and freight cars is 60 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between them

The total travel time of the bus is: 10 / (1 + 25%) = 8 hours
That is to say, the speed ratio of truck and bus is 8:10 = 4:5
Then the travel ratio of truck and bus is 4:5
That is, 4 / 9 of the freight car line and 5 / 9 of the bus line
That is, the distance is 60 / (5 / 9-4 / 9) = 540 km