Train a runs 276 kilometers more in 10 hours than train B in 7 hours. If the two trains have the same speed, calculate the speed of the two trains

Train a runs 276 kilometers more in 10 hours than train B in 7 hours. If the two trains have the same speed, calculate the speed of the two trains

10-7 = 276 meters in 3 hours
Then 276 / 3 = 92 km / h
Speed 92 km / h

The speed ratio of passenger car and freight car is 4:5 when they set out. After meeting each other, they continue to drive. The speed of passenger car increases by 20%, and the speed of freight car remains unchanged. After another 4 hours, the freight car reaches a, and the passenger car is 115 kilometers away from B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

Let the speed of the freight car be x km / h
The equation is: 1 - ((4 / 5x + 4 / 5x20%) X4 + 115) = 4x
The solution is x = 171
Substituting: 171x4 + (171x4 / 5 + 171x4 / 5x20%) X4 + 115 = 1456.64
A: A and B are 1456.64 km apart

It is known that the speed ratio of passenger car and freight car is 4:3. How many hours does it take for freight car to reach a?

3 × (4 + 3) = 21 copies
21 △ 3-3 = 4 hours

The speed ratio of passenger and freight cars is 4:3. After meeting, the speed of passenger cars decreases by 20%, and that of freight cars decreases by 20%
So when the bus arrives at B, the truck is 25 kilometers away from A. (1) when it meets, the truck runs the whole journey () / () (2) how many kilometers is the distance between AB and B?

1. When they met, the truck went through the whole journey
After meeting, the speed of the bus is:
The speed of the truck is:
When the bus arrives at B, the distance of the truck is:
The results are as follows:
=700 (km)