It is known that the speed ratio of the bus to the truck is 5:4, and the bus travels 60 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

It is known that the speed ratio of the bus to the truck is 5:4, and the bus travels 60 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

(60 + 60 × 45) × 5, = (60 + 48) × 5 = 108 × 5, = 540 (km); answer: A and B are 540 km apart

Party A and Party B are 600 kilometers apart. A bus and a truck are running from each other at the same time. They meet six hours later. It is known that the speed of the truck is two-thirds of that of the bus. What are the speeds of the bus and the truck?

Speed and 600 △ 6 = 100 km / h
Bus speed 100 △ 1 + 2 / 3 = 60 km / h
Truck speed 100-60 = 40 km / h
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