Passenger cars and freight cars start from the two places at the same time and meet each other in five hours. Freight cars travel 50 kilometers per hour and passenger cars 65 kilometers per hour. How long is the railway between the two places?

Passenger cars and freight cars start from the two places at the same time and meet each other in five hours. Freight cars travel 50 kilometers per hour and passenger cars 65 kilometers per hour. How long is the railway between the two places?

(50 + 65) × 5 = 115 × 5 = 575 km; a: the railway between the two places is 575 km long

At the same time, passenger cars and freight cars travel from a and B, which are 400 kilometers away. Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour and freight cars 65 kilometers per hour
How many hours did the two vehicles travel when they were still 100 km apart? How many hours did they continue to travel when they were still 100 km apart?

1. (400-100) / (60 + 65) = 2.4 hours
2. 100 × 2 ÷ (60 + 65) = 1.6 hours

The passenger and freight cars run from a and B at the same time. The passenger cars run 65 kilometers per hour, and the freight cars run 60 kilometers per hour. They meet at a distance of 10 kilometers from the midpoint,
How many kilometers are there between a and B?


The length of the highway between a and B is 858 km. The passenger cars and freight cars leave from both places at the same time. The freight cars travel 65 km per hour, and the speed of the passenger cars is 1.2 times that of the freight cars?

858 ÷ (65 + 65 × 1.2) = 858 ÷ 143 = 6 (hours) answer: after 6 hours, the bus and truck meet