The length of the railway between city a and city B is 435 meters. The passenger and freight trains start from the two cities at the same time and travel in opposite directions. The passenger trains travel 60 kilometers per hour and the freight trains 45 thousand per hour Then the above question, meters, how many hours after the two cars 15 kilometers apart?

The length of the railway between city a and city B is 435 meters. The passenger and freight trains start from the two cities at the same time and travel in opposite directions. The passenger trains travel 60 kilometers per hour and the freight trains 45 thousand per hour Then the above question, meters, how many hours after the two cars 15 kilometers apart?

Two cases
Case one: 15 kilometers to meet
(435-15) / (60 + 45) = 4 (hours)
Case 2: 15 kilometers away after meeting
(435 + 15) / (60 + 45) = 30 / 7 or 4 and 2 / 7 (hours)
I hope my answer will help you

The two cities are 225 km apart. A bus and a truck leave the two cities at the same time. They meet 2.5 hours later. The speed ratio of the truck to the bus is 9:11. How many kilometers does the truck travel per hour?

225 △ 2.5 × 99 + 11 = 90 × 920 = 40.5 (km) a: the average speed of freight cars is 40.5 km per hour

The passenger car and the freight car run from a and B at the same time. They meet each other in five hours. After meeting, the passenger car goes to B in three hours. It is known that the freight car travels 63 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does the passenger car travel?

63 × 5 / 3, = 315 / 3, = 105 (km), answer: the bus travels 105 km per hour

The passenger and freight depart from both places at the same time, and travel in opposite directions. They meet each other in five hours. After meeting, the bus takes another three hours to arrive at place B, and the truck travels 63 kilometers per hour,
What is the distance between a and B

5 + 3 = 8 hours
8 × 5 / 3 × 63 = 840km
The distance is 840 kilometers