The table below shows the quality of vegetables a and B that can be transported by each vehicle. Each vehicle is required to be fully loaded according to the regulations, and each vehicle can only transport one kind of vegetables. If 8 vehicles are used to transport 11 tons of vegetables, how many vehicles are there for vegetables a and B Vegetable type A and B Tonnage per vehicle at full capacity 1.5

The table below shows the quality of vegetables a and B that can be transported by each vehicle. Each vehicle is required to be fully loaded according to the regulations, and each vehicle can only transport one kind of vegetables. If 8 vehicles are used to transport 11 tons of vegetables, how many vehicles are there for vegetables a and B Vegetable type A and B Tonnage per vehicle at full capacity 1.5

If x vehicles are used for type a vehicles, then (8-x) vehicles are used for type B vehicles
So 8-x = 8-2 = 6
So there are two for type A and six for type B

The weight and profit of vegetables a, B and C are shown in the table below. An automobile company plans to ship vegetables a, B and C to other places for sale. (each vehicle is required to be fully loaded, and each vehicle can only carry one kind of vegetable). The tonnage of vegetables a, B and C can be 211.5 tons, and the profit per ton of vegetables can be (hundred yuan) 574 How many cars are there for B and C vegetables? ② The company plans to arrange 20 vehicles to ship 36 tons of vegetables (a, B and C) to place B for sale (no less than one vehicle for each kind of vegetables). How can the company get the maximum profit by shipping? What is the maximum profit?

(1) Suppose there are x cars carrying B vegetables and Y cars carrying C vegetables. From the meaning of the question, we can get: x + y = 8x + 1.5y = 11, and the solution is: x = 2Y = 6. Answer: there are 2 cars carrying B vegetables and 6 cars carrying C vegetables; (2) there are a car carrying a vegetables and B car carrying B vegetables

The following table shows the quality of each vehicle that can carry two kinds of vegetables. Each vehicle is required to be fully loaded according to the regulations, and each vehicle can only have one kind of vegetable. If 8 vehicles with 11 tons are used, how many vehicles are there for carrying two kinds of vegetables?
Table a and B
1 ton per vehicle 1.5 tons per vehicle
Using equation

Set of equations
Suppose there are x vehicles carrying vegetable a and Y vehicles carrying vegetable B, then there are:
The result is the answer on the first floor: vegetable a x = 2, vegetable b y = 6

A and B vegetables are transported to other places for sale, and the relevant data are shown in the table below
Party A and Party B
The quantity of vegetables that can be transported by each vehicle (ton) 1.5
Profit per ton of vegetables (RMB) 7000 5000
If 8 vehicles are used for shipment, at least 11 tons of two kinds of vegetables should be shipped to other places for sale, and each kind of vegetables should not be less than 1 vehicle, then how many vehicles are used for shipment of vegetables a and B? How to arrange for the maximum profit of the company? What is the maximum profit?

Suppose there are x armored cars and Y cars loaded with B. 7 > = x > = 1.7 > = Y > = 1x + y = 8x + 1.5y > = 11 and substituting it into: 8-y + 1.5y > = 11, Y > = 6, profit = 70000x + 5000 * 1.5y = 70000x + 7500y. Obviously, the greater the Y is, the greater the profit is