It transported 360 tons of goods, loaded 6 train cars and 15 cars; transported 440 tons of goods, loaded 8 train cars and 10 cars. How many tons of goods were loaded in each train car and each car?

It transported 360 tons of goods, loaded 6 train cars and 15 cars; transported 440 tons of goods, loaded 8 train cars and 10 cars. How many tons of goods were loaded in each train car and each car?

Suppose that each train car carries x tons of goods on average, and each car carries y tons of goods on average. According to the meaning of the question, 6x + 15y = 3608x + 10Y = 440, the solution is x = 50y = 4. Answer: each train car carries 50 tons of goods on average, and each car carries 4 tons of goods on average

For transportation of 360 tons of chemical fertilizer, 6 trains and 15 cars are installed; for transportation of 440 tons of chemical fertilizer, 8 trains and 10 cars are installed, and the demand for each train and car is satisfied
If the problem is solved by a linear equation of one variable

Let the load of train skin be x, and establish the equation with the load of vehicle
The solution is x = 50
The vehicle load is (360-6x) △ 15 = (440-8x) △ 10 = 4

The equation (Group) is used to solve the problem. When 120 tons of chemical fertilizer are transported, 2 train skins and 5 cars are loaded; when 220 tons of chemical fertilizer are transported, 4 train skins and 5 cars are loaded. How many tons of each train skin and each car are loaded on average?

Suppose that every train carries x tons of chemical fertilizer and every car carries y tons of chemical fertilizer. From the meaning of the problem, 2x + 5Y = 1204x + 5Y = 220, the solution is: x = 50y = 4. Answer: every train carries 50 tons of chemical fertilizer and every car carries 4 tons of chemical fertilizer

There are two batches of materials to be transported to a certain place. The first batch of 360 tons is just finished with 6 trains and 15 cars; the second batch of 440 tons is just finished with 8 trains and 10 cars. How many tons are loaded on each train and car?

Suppose that each train is loaded with X tons of goods and materials, and each car is loaded with y tons of materials. According to the meaning of the problem, we get: 6x + 15y = 3608x + 10Y = 440, and the solution is: x = 50 & nbsp; y = 4. Answer: each train is loaded with 50 tons of goods and materials, and each car is loaded with 4 tons of materials