How many cars are there? How many tons are there in this batch of goods

How many cars are there? How many tons are there in this batch of goods

=6 vehicles;
=23 tons;
A: the goods are 23 tons

If a lot of goods are transported by car, if each car is loaded with 3T, there will be 5T left; if each car is loaded with 4T, there will be 5 less cars. How many cars are there? How many tons are there?

Suppose there are x cars in total. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 3x + 5 = 4 (X-5), the solution is: x = 25, 3 × 25 + 5 = 80 tons. Answer: there are 25 cars in total and 80 tons of goods

Lie equation: a batch of goods with a load of 1.5T car than with a load of 4T car to transport 5 times to complete, ask: how many tons of this batch of goods?

1.5T vehicle is used to transport a time
So the cargo is 1.5 × 8 = 12 tons

100 tons of goods have been transported to the wharf. If a 7.5-ton truck is used to transport all these goods, how many times does the truck need to transport them?
Hope to explain. Good plus points

100 △ 7.5 = 13 and 1 / 3
So 13 + 1 = 14 times