There are 32 tons of goods at the wharf. After six times of transportation with X tons of carrying capacity, there are still 5 tons left. Write the equivalent relation and list the equation It's urgent! Today's homework

There are 32 tons of goods at the wharf. After six times of transportation with X tons of carrying capacity, there are still 5 tons left. Write the equivalent relation and list the equation It's urgent! Today's homework

Equivalency relationship: vehicle load × number of transports + weight of remaining goods = total weight of goods
That is: the vehicle load is 4.5 tons

A batch of goods will be transported by a number of 8-ton trucks. If each truck is only loaded with 5 tons, then 10 tons of goods will be left. If each truck is full of 8 tons, then the last truck is not empty and dissatisfied. How many trucks are there?

If there are x cars, we get 8 (x − 1) + 8 > 5x + 108 (x − 1) < 5x + 10, and the solution is 103 < x < 6