The resistance of a bicycle running at normal speed on a straight road is 0.02 times of the total weight of the vehicle and the person. Which of the following values is the closest to judge the power of a cyclist? Which one should be chosen for 1000W, 100W, 10W, 1W? Why? (please write down the basis or calculation process)

The resistance of a bicycle running at normal speed on a straight road is 0.02 times of the total weight of the vehicle and the person. Which of the following values is the closest to judge the power of a cyclist? Which one should be chosen for 1000W, 100W, 10W, 1W? Why? (please write down the basis or calculation process)

The total mass of the passenger car is about 120kg
Uniform speed, power f = friction resistance f = UMG = 0.02 * 120 * 10 = 24N
The normal speed is about 4 m / s
Choose 100W

Let a student ride a bicycle at a normal speed on a straight road, and the resistance is about 0.03 times of the total weight of the vehicle and the person, then the power of the student is closest to ()
A. 1000WB. 1WC. 100WD. 10W

Suppose the mass of the person and the car is 50kg and the weight is 500N, then the resistance is 15N. Assuming that the speed of the bicycle is 10m / s, then the power of the cyclist is p = FV = FV = 15 × 10W = 150W, then the power of the student is closest to 100W