The school plans to dig a sand pit on the playground for students to practice long jump. According to the regulations, the sand pit is 5m long and 2m wide. There are 7 cubic meters now. How many decimeters is the sand pit dug Deep energy just fills up?

The school plans to dig a sand pit on the playground for students to practice long jump. According to the regulations, the sand pit is 5m long and 2m wide. There are 7 cubic meters now. How many decimeters is the sand pit dug Deep energy just fills up?

7/(5*2)=0.7 m=7dm
Sand pit digging 7 decimeters

In order to dig a sand pit with a bottom area of 14 square meters and a depth of 0.5 meters on the playground of the experimental primary school, how much soil should we dig?

V = sh = 14 * 0.5 = 7m3

How many cubic meters of soil does the school need to dig a long jump bunker which is 4 meters long, 2 meters wide and 0.5 meters deep? If 0.4 meters of yellow sand is paved in the bunker, how many cubic meters of yellow sand does it need

4 × 2 × 0.5 = 4 (M3)
4 × 2 × 0.4 = 3.2 (M3)
It needs to excavate 4 cubic meters of soil and 3.2 cubic meters of yellow sand
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Revise the wrong sentence. 1. We should constantly improve our learning methods and enhance our learning efficiency____________________________________________________ 2. The excellent qualities of the soldiers are brave and indomitable____________________________________________________

1 ton = 1000 kg, 3 × 1.5 × 2 × 1400, = 4.5 × 2 × 1400, = 9 × 1400, = 12600 (kg); 12600 kg = 12.6 tons; a: this bunker can hold 12.6 tons of sand