5 / 6 of a number is equal to the sum of 3 1 / 7. What is the number? To solve the equation with

5 / 6 of a number is equal to the sum of 3 1 / 7. What is the number? To solve the equation with

Let this number be X,
The solution is x = 18 / 35
This number is 18 / 35

What is the number after 7, - 2, - 1,1, - 5, - 28?
-44 B.-55 C.-66 D.-77
It's a three-level arithmetic sequence. It may be very simple, but I'm dizzy today. I can't understand it
Waiting for the master

Choose D, let a (m, n) be the nth number in the m-th row, let a (m, n) = a (m-1, n) - A (m-1, n-1) find that a (4, n) = - 9, so we get 77

3 / 10 of 80 is equivalent to 60?


When the 28 day strength of concrete is equal to 60 day strength, how much more cement should be used?
In the original design, po42.5r type cement was used for 28 days, and pebble and medium sand with a strength of 35.0mpa were used. The water consumption was 160kg / m3. In order to save cement, how much cement can be saved according to the 60 day strength of 35.0pma during construction?
It's not a simple practical question. Who said that concrete strength has nothing to do with cement? I tell you that 32.5 cement can't be mixed with C35 concrete. Moreover, I have checked the data, which shows that when the concrete reaches 28, its strength is 100%. But the strength of concrete will increase with the increase of time, I don't think you have passed the national registered supervision engineer examination,

Which expert gave you this plan?
The curing days of concrete strength have little to do with the amount of cement, only with the curing conditions of concrete. The curing environment temperature and time, even if the cement is less than 28 days, the cement strength can still reach 98% of the maximum strength; if less cement is used, even if the number of days is more, it can not reach the design strength

X / 40-x / 60 is equal to 3?

Hello, genguoan 2011
X △ 40-x △ 60 = 3. Divide it first and multiply it by 120 at the same time
X △ 40 × 120-x △ 60 × 120 = 3 × 120

Let's know that a is the opposite of - 2008, B is the opposite of 7, and C is the number whose absolute number is equal to three. Find the value of a + B + C

a= 2008
A + B + C = 1998 or 2004

What is the opposite number of negative 2013? If the opposite number of negative x is negative 7.5, what is x equal to

Negative 7.5 (the opposite of negative x is x,)

400-25 + 22 in this way, how many 25 can be reduced when it is equal to 0

If (- 25 + 22) is regarded as a group, there are 133 such groups in the pure subtraction 3400, that is, there are 133 25 by subtracting 133 3, so there should be a total of 133 + 1 = 134 25

How many jin is 0.12 liter

If it's water, 0.12 liter is equal to 0.12 kg, which is 0.24 kg, because 0.12 liter is equal to 0.12 cubic decimeter, and the density of water is 1 kg / cubic decimeter. The density of other things depends on it!

0.4x equals 12 minus 1.2
