A number plus 1 / 4 of it is 7.5

A number plus 1 / 4 of it is 7.5

I don't know how old you are. Using the method of primary school, this problem is the sum multiple problem. The number is unit one, and the sum of one fourth of it is 1.25 times of it. The corresponding amount of fraction divided by fraction will get unit one, that is 7.5/1.25, that is 7.5 * 4 / 5 = 6
So the number is 6
In the second algorithm, let X be x, then x + 0.25 * x = 7.5
The solution is x = 6

A number plus 50% of it is 7.5?

7.5 △ 1.5, = 5; a: the number is 5