I like math, but I can't do it well

I like math, but I can't do it well

Mathematics requires a certain talent. Are you in junior high school or high school
Junior high school mathematics even if not very high talent, hard work can make up for, can test a better score
High school mathematics requirements a little higher, the book mountain problem sea tactics is the most common, do more you don't have to test much good, but certainly not bad, even if you meet the basic paper you can test a very high score
If you have talent, it's not a problem that you can't learn well. First, you should be careful. Second, you should have attitude. Third, you should be efficient. Fourth, you should be among the top students
Even if you are not as talented as those people, all the teachers will agree that you help you, and the students will also have a high evaluation of you. People who work hard are always easy to get praise from others. Come on