What is the negative quadratic power of (- 1 / 2)~

What is the negative quadratic power of (- 1 / 2)~

The negative quadratic power of (- 1 / 2)

If the first column minus the second column gets a positive number, multiply by 3, add 3, if it is a negative number, all are 0, when the subtraction is 0, it is equal to 3
If the first column minus the second column gets a positive number, it will multiply by 3 and add 3. If it is a negative number, it will all be 0. When the two columns subtract to 0, it will be equal to 3. How to set an automatic formula

If x > 0, then A-B = 3x + 3

What is a negative number multiplied by two
Is it equal to twice the opposite number of this number or twice the negative number?

Twice the negative number... I * 2 = 2I

How much is a negative number minus a positive number

Minus two-thirds minus one-third equals minus one. Minus two-thirds plus one-third equals minus one-third