Count from 10 to 100, total 9 A .18.B .19.C.20.D .21 Would you like to count one nine for 99 or two

Count from 10 to 100, total 9 A .18.B .19.C.20.D .21 Would you like to count one nine for 99 or two

18, from 19 to 89 is 8, then 90 to 99 is 11, 99 is two 9, so a total of 19, choose B

How to count when counting to 30?

Ancient plot:
Two people take turns to report, each time can only report 1 and 2, who can report 30 even win
Because 30 is a multiple of (1 + 2) = 3, we must win if we strive to get the multiple of 3,
So in the beginning, we need to get 3, 6, 9 After the other party said 1, you say 2, the other party said 2, you say 1
If you lose on the count of 30, you should avoid the multiple of three
Good luck and goodbye

How many nines do you count from one to 100

20 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Chicken said, I was born of my mother! Is that right?

It's raw