3 and 4 / 5-2.7 = 1 / 5 of the number a is equal to 1 / 6 of the number already counted, the number a is 90, and the number already counted is () One ninth of an eight kilogram is as heavy as one eighth of a nine kilogram () right or wrong

3 and 4 / 5-2.7 = 1 / 5 of the number a is equal to 1 / 6 of the number already counted, the number a is 90, and the number already counted is () One ninth of an eight kilogram is as heavy as one eighth of a nine kilogram () right or wrong

Original formula = 3.8-2.7
4-2.7 = 1.1
One fifth of the number a is equal to one sixth of the number already counted. The number a is 90 and the number already counted is (128)
One ninth of an 8kg is as heavy as one eighth of a 9kg (right) or wrong

Three fourths of a number is 90. What's five sixths of a number

This number is 120. That is 90x4 / 3 = 120. 120x5 / 6 = 100

Two thirds of a number is 20. What's 60% of the number? 70% of a number is 1 more than 90% of 5 / 6. What's the number?

1) 20÷2/3×60%
2) ( 5/6×90%+1)÷70%

40% of a number is more than 90% of 5 / 6. What's the number? Please give the formula
