Algebraic representation of (1) a number 5 larger than a, (2) a number m divided by 4 and remaining 3

Algebraic representation of (1) a number 5 larger than a, (2) a number m divided by 4 and remaining 3


A number divided by 2.4, quotient 1.5 more than 0.3, what is the number
For example, I want to ask the formula of divisor

Divide or divide?
If it is divided by, then 1.5 * 2.4 + 0.3 = 3.9
If it is division, then (2.4-0.3) / 1.5 = 1.4
The formula for divisor is (divisor remainder) △ quotient = divisor

What is the number whose quotient is divided by 3? What is the number whose quotient is divided by 5

What is the number m divided by 3
Also, what is the number of 3 left by the quotient a divided by 5? 5A + 3

A number is divided by 3, 4, 5 to make 1. What is the minimum number

Minimum = 3 × 4 × 5 + 1 = 61

If a number is divided by 2, 3 and 5, the minimum number is ()
A. 29B. 30C. 31D. 32

Because the least common multiple of 2, 3 and 5 is 2 × 3 × 5 = 30, the minimum number is 30 + 1 = 30

If a number is divided by a, the quotient is 6 over 2. What's the number?
OK, add 100 points!

Description of quotient 6 A * 6
Add two to the remaining two
So it's 6A + 2

A number is divided by a quotient 6 to 8

A number is divided by a quotient 6 to 8. This number is 6A + 8

A number is divided by a quotient 6 to 8. What is the number

It's (A-8) / 6
Let x, a = 6x + 8

A number is divided by 5 to 4, which can be expressed as 5A + 4______ (judge right or wrong)

A number is divided by 5 to make 4, which can be expressed as 5A + 4

If a number is divided by 2, by 1, by 3, by 2, by 4, by 3, by 5, by 4, how many of the above conditions are satisfied, the smallest one is found
Please elder brothers and sisters, I'll have it tonight. I'm in a hurry

This number, plus one, is divisible by two, three, four, five at the same time
The least common multiple of 2,3,4,5 is 60
The minimum number to meet the requirements is 60-1 = 59
There are countless such numbers
59 plus the integral multiple of 60, all meet the requirements
For example: