45 of a number is 20. What's 825 of this number?

45 of a number is 20. What's 825 of this number?

A: the 825 of this number is 8

The sum of 7 / 8 and 1 / 4 of a number is 20?


One fourth of a number is 30, and five eighth of the number is ()

This number = 30 △ 1 / 4 = 120

1 / 2 of a number plus 4 is 16 times more than 2 of this number
Xiao Ming and his father play chess. When his father wins a game, he scores 2 points. When Xiao Ming wins a game, he scores 4 points. After six sets, the scores of the two players are the same. How many points do dad and Xiao Ming get each
If the | m | square + x = 0 of equation (m-1) x is a linear equation of one variable, then M=

One out of two plus four of a certain number is more than two times of this number. 16x / 2 + 4 = 2x + 16; 3x / 2 = - 12; X = - 8; Xiao Ming and his father play chess. When his father wins a game, he scores two points, and Xiao Ming wins a game, he scores four points. After six sets, they have the same score. How many points do father and Xiao Ming get each

Please observe the numbers: - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32···
According to the law, the nth number is____

The nth number, that is, the general term formula is: (- 1) ^ n * (2) ^ (n-1)
Thank you!

What is the sixth number 1,2,2,4,16?

It should be 1 * 2 * 2 * 4 * 16 = 256

Fourth grade a number of 8 times more than 6 times 2.4, find this number

This number = 2.4 ÷ (8-6) = 1.2

6 times of a number is 3.2 times more than 4 times of this number

Six times a number is 3.2 times more than four times that number
Twice that is 3.2
This number is 1.6

Two times of a number is 8.5 more than 7.5. Find the number
Use the equation solution, there must be unknowns, listed

Let this number be X
Then 2x-7.5 = 8.5
A: the number is 8

8.5 times of a number is 2.7 times more than 5.5 times of it. What is the number?
