A number 4.7 times is 5.4 more than 2.2 times. What's the number?

A number 4.7 times is 5.4 more than 2.2 times. What's the number?

Let this number be X

Eight times a number is 26.84 more than seven. What's the number


8.7 times of a number is 10 times more than 6.2 times of it


9 times of a number is 1.5 times more than 6 times of it

Let this number be X
That is, the number is 0.5

Class 6 (1) planted 20 trees, 1 / 9 more than Class 6 (2). How many classes did class 6 (2) plant? The corresponding score rate of the number of trees planted in class 6 (1) was ()

Class 6 (2) = 20 ÷ (1 + 1 / 9) = 18 trees
The corresponding score rate of the number of trees planted in class 6 (1) is (10 out of 9)

3 / 4 of a number is more than 2 / 3 and 4 / 9 of a number. How much is 1 / 4 of a number more than 1 / 6 of a number?

This number is (4 / 9) / (3 / 4-2 / 3) = (4 / 9) / (1 / 12) = 16 / 3
A: 1 / 4 of this number is 4 / 9 more than 1 / 6 of it

Class 1 of West Primary School runs 9 more newspapers than Class 2. The number of newspapers in class 1 is 4 / 7 of that in class 2. How many tabloids does class 1 run?

There should be 9 fewer tickets in class 1 than in class 2
Class 2 is class 1
Class 1 is 4 / 7
So class 1 is 9 × 4 / 7 (1-4 / 7) = 12

One fifth of a number is 60 more than one eighth of a number?

A: the number is 800
If you don't understand, please ask

60% of a number is 4.8 more than 1 / 5 of it. It is troublesome and fast to find this number


A column of numbers 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17,,,,,,: sum of the first 21 numbers

First, find the 21st number 2 + 3 * 20 = 62 and (2 + 62) * 21 / 2 = 673