The sum of a and B is 41.14. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the left, how many of a and B are equal?

The sum of a and B is 41.14. If the decimal point of a is moved one place to the left, how many of a and B are equal?

The number of a is 10 times that of B, that is 41.14, which is divided into 11 parts on average, with 10 parts for a and 1 part for B
Number B: 41.14/11 = 3.74
A number: 3.74 * 10 = 37.4

The sum of the two numbers a and B is 759.52. Moving the decimal point of B to the left by two places is equal to the number A. what are the two numbers a and B?
To test you, the first one who answers correctly needs extra points! (extra points are added!) when answering questions, you can only use step-by-step calculation, otherwise you won't get any points,

Moving the decimal point of B to the left by two places is equal to a,
B is 100 times as much as a
A: 759.52 ÷ (100 + 1) = 7.52
B: 7.52 × 100 = 752

The sum of a and B is 24.2. If the decimal point of a moves one place to the right, it will be equal to B. what are the numbers of a and B
Using the equation solution,

Let a be x, then B be 10x
I wish you academic progress!

The sum of Party A and Party B is 50.6. If the decimal point of Party A is shifted to the left by one place, which is exactly equal to Party B, what is the number of Party A

If the decimal point of a is shifted one place to the left, it is exactly equal to B
It shows that the number of a is 10 times of that of B
B = 50.6 △ 10 + 1 = 4.6
A = 4.6 × 10 = 46