A. The difference between the two numbers B is 23.22. If you move the decimal point one place to the left, it is equal to the number B. what are the two numbers a and B?

A. The difference between the two numbers B is 23.22. If you move the decimal point one place to the left, it is equal to the number B. what are the two numbers a and B?

Let a be x and B be y
The solution is: x = 25.8
A: A is 25.8, B is 2.58

A minus B is equal to 108. The decimal point of a moves to the left by one place = B calculates a and B

Let a be x and B be x-108
X = 108 × 10 / 9
Ten out of nine can't come out

Number a is 3.6 more than number B. if the decimal point of number a is moved one place to the left, it is exactly equal to number B. what are the numbers a and B?

If the decimal point of number a is moved one place to the left, it is exactly equal to number B. then the original number a is 10 times that of number B, which is more than that of number B
10-1 = 9 times
The second number is
What is the number a

The number a is 198 larger than that of number B. the decimal point of number a is shifted one place to the left, and the two numbers are equal. Number a =? Number b =?

So the number a is 220
B is 22