Pour a bottle of mineral water into a paper cup to see how many cups can be filled? 2. How many milliliters of water is there in a paper cup, and how many cups are about 1L 3. Say, those items are marked with ml, L Irregular shaped objects (such as potatoes, pears, plasticine, stones, etc.) How to find their volume? Qwq people

Pour a bottle of mineral water into a paper cup to see how many cups can be filled? 2. How many milliliters of water is there in a paper cup, and how many cups are about 1L 3. Say, those items are marked with ml, L Irregular shaped objects (such as potatoes, pears, plasticine, stones, etc.) How to find their volume? Qwq people

1. Do the experiment, estimate three cups of 2.100ml, 10 cups of 3, put into the water, drain

Magic! Mineral water doesn't freeze in the refrigerator! It's frozen only when it's taken out!
A few days ago, I put two bottles of LeBlanc's mineral water in the refrigerator. The temperature in the refrigerator was - 7 ℃. I put it for two days. On the third day, I took it out and found that it was not frozen. I took a sip. When I took the second sip, I found that the mineral water was frozen! I'm not kidding. It's true, and I took the first sip! I also saw the second one The result of drinking the first bottle was the same. I looked for it and it seemed that it was supercooling. Which great Xia understood that it was absolutely frozen when it was taken out of the refrigerator!
The lhg415 on the first floor, if you don't believe it, you can leave a message. I'm still asking you why? You're such an idle person. You're looking for abuse everywhere

Let's briefly talk about the experimental principle: under a certain pressure, when the temperature of the liquid is lower than the freezing point of the liquid under the pressure, the phenomenon that the liquid still does not solidify is called supercooled phenomenon of liquid. At this time, the liquid is called supercooled liquid. Some experiments about supercooled phenomenon circulated on the Internet, to put it bluntly, are to make some supercooled liquids first, Then there is the phenomenon of supercooled liquid solidification
(1) Put a bottle of pure water in the freezer (- 18 ℃) of the refrigerator, take it out after 1 hour, you will find that the temperature of the water is below zero, but the water does not freeze! Then pick up the bottle and shake it or knock it on the table, you will see that the water freezes quickly, and the whole bottle of water freezes in a few seconds!
(2) 1. Put a bottle of beverage (preferably glass bottle, such as beer) into the freezer and freeze for 3 hours;
2. Remember to put the bottle upright, and do not shake the bottle or freezer in the whole process, otherwise it will fail;
3. After 3 hours, gently take out the bottle and put it in a fixed place;
4. Knock the bottle down (don't use too much force, otherwise it will be broken) to make the liquid in it vibrate. You will find that the liquid in it will immediately freeze and become a solid

What happens when a bottle of mineral water is frozen in the refrigerator for a week
a. Freezing B. water level falling C. water bottle breaking

a. Ice. I often freeze

Put a sealed bottle of mineral water in the freezer of the refrigerator,
My mother saw that there were two thin ice bricks in the freezer of my relative's refrigerator. My relative told her that there were ice bricks when I bought a refrigerator. When there was a power failure, ice bricks could keep the things in the refrigerator for 6 or 7 days
But there is no such thing in my refrigerator. I want to put a plastic bottle of mineral water as an ice brick, but my mother said that the water will expand when it freezes, for fear of bursting the bottle
I just poured out some water and put half a bottle in it
As I put the bottle horizontally, I was afraid of the water coming out. So I screwed the cap tightly
Will it burst the bottle?
Although there is not much water in it, I'm still a little worried that the water will freeze into ice after it is sealed. The volume of ice is larger than that of water. The air squeezed by ice will burst the bottle

There is only half a bottle of water, whether you seal it or not. No matter how it freezes, it is impossible for half a bottle of water to explode. Because the water turns into ice, adding one tenth of the volume, after you freeze half a bottle of water into ice, it is 55% of the volume in the bottle, not more than 100%. Therefore, no matter how it freezes, it is impossible for it to explode. Only when you fill the water to near full or full, It will explode after sealing. It has nothing to do with how you put it. It only has something to do with your volume. Don't worry

150% of a number is 4 more than 2 / 5 of 5 / 2. Find the number

Two fifths of five fifths is one! Then one and a half times this number is five. This number is ten thirds

What is the concentration of 100 ml 98% concentrated sulfuric acid (density 1.84 g / ml)?

Mass of sulfuric acid = 100 ml * 1.84 g / ml * 98% = 180.32 G
The amount of sulfuric acid = 180.32/98 = 1.84 mol
Volume of solution = 100 ml = 0.1 L
The concentration of the solution is 1.84/0.1 = 18.4 molgl

How to prepare 250 mol / L dilute sulfuric acid with concentrated sulfuric acid (density 1.84 / ml)
Sorry, it's leaking. The concentration of concentrated sulfuric acid is 98%
In addition, 250ml 1.5mol/l dilute sulfuric acid should be prepared
Would you please tell me the steps again?
But we also need to use volumetric flask
The first step is to measure 25ml concentrated sulfuric acid with a measuring cylinder
I really don't understand

(1) Calculate the volume V of concentrated sulfuric acid; (1000 × 1.84 × 98%) / 98 × v = = 250 × 1.5 V = = (250 × 1.5) △ 18.4 = = 20.38 ml (2) dissolve; take a small beaker, put a small amount of distilled water, pipette 20.38 milli concentrated sulfuric acid into the small beaker, stir with a glass rod until it is cold at room temperature. (3) take a volumetric flask (250 milli

How much sulfuric acid is needed to prepare 100ml diluted sulfuric acid with 98% concentrated sulfuric acid (density is 1.84 g / ml)?

98% concentrated sulfuric acid (density 1.84 g / ml) to calculate the concentration of the substance
According to the dilution formula, c1v1 = c2v2 18.4v1 = 1mol / L * 100ml, V1 = 5.4ml
Answer: 5.4ml

Use 98% concentrated sulfuric acid (density is 1.84 g / ml) to prepare 100ml diluted sulfuric acid of 1 mol / L. how much sulfuric acid is needed

The required n (H2SO4) = 1 * 0.1 = 0.1mol
98% concentrated sulfuric acid is needed, v = 9.8 / (98% * 1.84) = 5.4ml
5.4ml concentrated sulfuric acid is required

How to prepare 250ml 1.5mol/l dilute sulfuric acid with 98% concentrated sulfuric acid (density: 1.84 / ml)?
This is the second time for me to answer the same question because I typed the wrong word last time

(1) Calculate the volume V of concentrated sulfuric acid; (1000 × 1.84 × 98%) / 98 × v = = 250 × 1.5V = = (250 × 1.5) / / 18.4 = = 20.38ml (2) dissolve; take a small beaker, put a small amount of distilled water, pipette 20.38mm concentrated sulfuric acid into a small beaker, stir with a glass rod until it is cold at room temperature. (3) take a volumetric flask (250ml)