On tree planting day, boys plant 80 more trees than girls. On tree planting day, boys plant 60%. How many trees do boys and girls plant

On tree planting day, boys plant 80 more trees than girls. On tree planting day, boys plant 60%. How many trees do boys and girls plant

80 △ [60% - (1-60%)] = 400 (trees)

There are 53 Students in the class who take part in tree planting activities, among which there are 5 more boys than girls. If only boys complete the activities, each student needs to plant 15 trees. If only girls complete the activities, each student needs to plant 15 trees

Difficult x female y
x+y=53 x-y=5
15x is the number of trees
Then tree planting per person = 15y / X
The answer is 29 men and 24 women. The no one index is 18.125
I feel that this problem is a little difficult, there should not be decimal

In the tree planting activities, 15 boys planted 132 more trees than 8 girls, and each boy's tree was twice that of each girl
How many trees are each planted?

132 / ((15 * 2) - 8) = 6 trees for girls, 6 * 2 = 12 trees for boys

On the tree planting day on March 12, 2013, a unit organized tree planting activities. If one person needed to plant trees for 80 hours, it is planned that some people would plant trees for 5 hours first, and then two more people would work with them for 4 hours to complete the task. Assuming that these people have the same work efficiency, how many people should be arranged to plant trees first?

X people should be arranged first
X = 8 people