There are 270 students in the sixth grade of sunshine primary school, among which the number of girls is one third of that of boys. How many boys are there

There are 270 students in the sixth grade of sunshine primary school, among which the number of girls is one third of that of boys. How many boys are there

A: there are 180 boys

There are 24 boys and 26 girls in class 5 of Chenguang primary school. How many parts of the class are boys and girls?

There are 50 students in five (5) classes: 24 + 26 = 50. Boys account for 1225 of the total number of students in the class, and girls account for 1325 of the total number of students in the class. A: Boys account for 1225 of the total number of students in the class, and girls account for 1325 of the total number of students in the class

There are 24 boys in class 61. There are 6 more girls than boys. How many percent more girls than boys


There are 24 boys and 20 girls in the sixth grade (1) class of sunshine primary school. How many percent more boys than girls?
