Five identical small rectangles can just be put together into a large rectangle as shown in the figure. What is the ratio of the length and width of the small rectangle______ What is the ratio of the length to the width of a large rectangle______ .

Five identical small rectangles can just be put together into a large rectangle as shown in the figure. What is the ratio of the length and width of the small rectangle______ What is the ratio of the length to the width of a large rectangle______ .

Let the length of small rectangle be x and the width be y, then 3Y = 2x, then the ratio of length to width of small rectangle is X: y = 3:2; the ratio of length to width of large rectangle is 2x: (x + y) = 2x: (x + 23x) = 6:5

On the 300 meter circular track, Party A and Party B start in parallel. The speed of Party A is 5 meters per second, and that of Party B is 4.2 meters per second. Based on the average speed, how many seconds does it take to meet again? How many meters is the meeting place in front of the starting line?

1. Once again, a runs 300 meters more than B, 5-4.2 = 0.8 meters per second
2. The running time of meeting again is 300 △ 0.8 = 375 seconds
3. The distance a runs in 375 seconds is: 5 × 375 = 1875 meters
4. How many more meters is 1875 meters than how many laps?
1875 △ 300 = 6 (circle). 75m
A: it takes 375 seconds to meet again. The meeting place is 75 meters in front of the starting line

Please explain the math problem
1. Car a and car B travel from two places at the same time. Car a runs to two fifths of the whole journey and meets car B. car a travels 40km per hour and car B travels 8h. How many meters is the distance between car a and car B?
2. There are two granaries. The original grain stored in warehouse A is 1.5T more than that in warehouse B. after 9.9t is transported from warehouse B, this is warehouse A, which is 4 / 5 of warehouse B. how many tons of grain was stored in warehouse B?
3. The express train goes from place a to place B, and the local train goes from place B to place a. the two trains leave each other at the same time, meet each other in 8 hours, and then continue to drive for 2 hours respectively. At this time, the express train is 250 km away from place B, and the local train is 350 km away from place a, so the distance between Party A and Party B can be calculated
I want to explain. Thank you
Well, I'd like to ask, how does 60km come from?

First question
When car a meets car B at 2 / 5 of the whole journey, it means that the speed ratio between car a and car B is 2; 3. Car a travels 40km per hour, so car a travels 60km per hour, and car B travels 8h, 60 × 8 = 480km, so the distance between car a and car B is 480000m
Second question
The original warehouse A was set to store (x + 1.5) tons of grain, and warehouse B was set to store (x + 1.5) tons of grain
(x-9.9) t after 9.9 t in warehouse B
So 5 (x + 1.5) = 4 (x-9.9)
There is something wrong with the subject
The third question
Let the velocity of a be x and the velocity of B be y
The distance between Party A and Party B is 800km

(1-quarter π): (quarter π - half): half
Dissolve the proportion above

(1-quarter π): (quarter π - half): half
Multiply by 4, we get: 4 - π: π - 2:2