There are three rooms and double rooms in a hotel. The charging standard is as follows: yuan / room · day, 210 for three rooms and 180 for double rooms 【1】 If three of the seven individual guests live in a three person ordinary room and four in a double room, and each room is just full, how much is the total accommodation fee for these seven people per day? 【2】 In order to attract tourists, a 50% discount for group stay is implemented. During the period of a 50 person travel discount, the group will stay in the four hotels and live in some ordinary rooms for three people and ordinary rooms for two people. If each room is just full and a total cost of 2070 yuan is spent on one day, how many ordinary rooms for three people and ordinary rooms for two people will the group live in? Equation of one degree with one variable!

There are three rooms and double rooms in a hotel. The charging standard is as follows: yuan / room · day, 210 for three rooms and 180 for double rooms 【1】 If three of the seven individual guests live in a three person ordinary room and four in a double room, and each room is just full, how much is the total accommodation fee for these seven people per day? 【2】 In order to attract tourists, a 50% discount for group stay is implemented. During the period of a 50 person travel discount, the group will stay in the four hotels and live in some ordinary rooms for three people and ordinary rooms for two people. If each room is just full and a total cost of 2070 yuan is spent on one day, how many ordinary rooms for three people and ordinary rooms for two people will the group live in? Equation of one degree with one variable!

【1】 If three of the seven individual guests live in three people's ordinary rooms and four in double people's ordinary rooms, and each room is just full, how much is the total accommodation fee for the seven individual guests? 3 △ 3 = 1 room, 4 △ 2 = 2 rooms, 210 × 1 + 180 × 2 = 210 + 360 = 570 yuan

There are three rooms and double rooms in a hotel, each of which is 25 yuan per day
A double room costs 35 yuan per person. 50 people have rented several rooms. Each room is full. It costs 1510 yuan a day. How many rooms are there in the two rooms? (solve by binary linear equation)

X rooms for double rooms and Y rooms for triple rooms
We get x = 13, y = 8
We need 13 double rooms and 8 triple rooms

There are three rooms and double rooms in the room department of a hotel,

There are several rooms with three or double rooms in the room department of a hotel,
The group charge data is as follows: three room ordinary 75 (yuan / Room / day) Deluxe 150 (yuan / Room / day) double room ordinary 100 (yuan / Room / day) Deluxe 200 (yuan / Room / day) a tour group of 50 people came to the hotel and stayed in some three person ordinary rooms, How many rooms did the tour group have, three room and double room?
2. In order to prepare for Xiaohua's college tuition of 5000 yuan after six years, her parents took part in education savings. There are two ways of saving (excluding interest tax): ① deposit one for three years, and then automatically transfer the principal and interest to the next three years after three years; ② directly deposit one for six years. Referring to the figure below, which savings method do you think will start to deposit less principal?
3. One day, a self-employed fruit owner paid 90 yuan from the fruit wholesale market
A total of 80kg apples and bananas were approved for sale in the vegetable market. The wholesale and retail prices of apples and bananas on this day are shown in the table below:
Product Name
Wholesale price (unit: yuan / kg)
one point two
Retail price (unit: yuan / kg)
one point two
one point six
It's better to use equations and formulas. But make it clear

The first problem can be a binary linear equation
There are three X rooms, double y rooms
X=8 Y=13
So there are 8 triple rooms, 13 double rooms
The second question did not see the picture, according to the simple interest to calculate
Scheme one needs to deposit X Yuan
X = 4690.18 yuan
The second design needs to deposit y yuan
X is less than y, so it is more cost-effective to deposit less principal according to the first scheme