In order to expand sales and increase profits, the supermarket is prepared to reduce the price appropriately. According to the calculation, if the price of each box is reduced by 1 yuan, 2 more boxes can be sold every day. (1) if you want to make a profit of 14000 yuan per day, how much should you reduce the price of each box? (2) How much is the price reduction per case? Is the supermarket making the biggest profit every day? What is the maximum profit?

In order to expand sales and increase profits, the supermarket is prepared to reduce the price appropriately. According to the calculation, if the price of each box is reduced by 1 yuan, 2 more boxes can be sold every day. (1) if you want to make a profit of 14000 yuan per day, how much should you reduce the price of each box? (2) How much is the price reduction per case? Is the supermarket making the biggest profit every day? What is the maximum profit?

(1) If you want to make a profit of 14000 yuan per day, you should reduce the price by X yuan per box. According to the equation, you can get (120-x) (100 + 2x) = 14000, sort out x2-70x + 1000 = 0, and solve X1 = 20, X2 = 50. Answer: if you want to reduce the price by 20 yuan or 50 yuan per box, you can make a profit of 14000 yuan per day. (2) if you want to make a profit of W yuan per day, then w = (120-x) (100 + 2x), = - 2x2 + 140x + 12000, = - 2 (x-35) 2 + 1 4450, the biggest profit is 14450 yuan when the price of each box is reduced by 35 yuan

There are three ways to sell the same kind of beverage in supermarkets: 1 bottle of 2.30 yuan; 5 bottles of 11 yuan; 12 bottles of 27 yuan?

The second is the most cost-effective. It saves 1 yuan to buy two 5 bottles. The third 12 bottles save 60 cents

Twenty seven people want to buy drinks, while the store activity allows two empty bottles for one. Ask them at least how many bottles they need to buy to get everyone a drink

First of all, according to the formula of "two empty bottles for one drink", no matter how many bottles you buy (assuming x), you can drink 2x-1. For example, if you buy 5 bottles, you can drink 9 bottles in total. Now it takes 27 people, so you can buy 14 bottles first, then use empty bottles to change to 13 bottles finally. So the problem is solved
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After the competition, 27 young athletes went to a small store to buy drinks, which promoted sales. With three empty bottles, they could change another one
After the competition, 27 young athletes were thirsty. They went to the small store to buy drinks. The beverage store promoted the sales. With three empty bottles, they could change another one. How many bottles of drinks could they buy at least to guarantee one person one bottle
The result already knew, wanted to have a solution formula! Thanks!

27÷(3+1)=6…… 3 (bottles) [explain that if you buy 6 bottles of 3 bottles, then you can change 6 bottles, there will be 3 bottles left]
6 △ 3 = 2 (bottles)
6 × 3 + 6 + 2 = 26 (bottles)
27-26 = 1 (bottle)
6 × 3 + 1 = 19 bottles